1 | 1. 課程介紹 Introduction to the course 2. 為何需要實踐?: 佛教「行」、「實踐」的意義及意涵 Why do we need practice?: Meaning and significance of “practice” in Buddhism 地點: N202 | |
2 | 佛教與心理:動機與行動/行為1 Buddhism and Psychology: motivation and action(practice)/behavior 1 地點: N202 | |
3 | 懺(悔)概念介紹與討論 The concept of repentance: introduction and discussion 地點: N202 | |
4 | 法會修持: 大悲懺法會 (無實體課) Practice: Dharma service on Great Compassion (no in-class) 替代課堂資訊: 日期: 3/11 (二) 地點: 雲水軒佛堂 時間: 晚上7:30至10:30 | 日期Date: 3/11(二); 時間time: 7:30pm |
5 | 佛教與心理:動機與行動/行為2 Buddhism and Psychology: motivation and action(practice)/behavior 2 地點: N202 | |
6 | 佛教與心理:動機與行動/行為3 Buddhism and Psychology: motivation and action(practice)/behavior 3 地點: N202 | |
7 | 清規的行堂、典座之意義及意涵 The meanings and significance of meal serving and cooking of Pure Rules of Chinese Buddhism 地點: N202 | |
8 | 清規的行堂、典座之意義及意涵 The meanings and significance of meal serving and cooking of Pure Rules of Chinese Buddhism 地點: N202 | |
9 | 期中考 Midterm exam 地點: N202 | 期中反思報告 Mid-term reflection report due |
10 | 法會修持: 大悲懺法會 (無實體課) Practice: Dharma service on Great Compassion (no in-class) 替代課堂資訊: 日期: 3/11 (二) 地點: 雲水軒佛堂 時間: 晚上7:30至10:30 | 日期Date: 3/11(二); 時間time: 7:30pm |
11 | 法會修持: 浴佛法會 (無實體課) Practice: Dharma service on Bathing Buddha Day (no in-class) 替代課堂資訊: 日期: 4/28 (一) 地點: 雲水軒 浴佛地點 時間: 早上8:10至9:10 | 日期Date 4/28 (一); 時間 Time: 8:10 am |
12 | 法會修持: 大悲懺法會 (無實體課) Practice: Dharma service on Great Compassion (no in-class) 替代課堂資訊: 日期: 3/11 (二) 地點: 雲水軒佛堂 時間: 晚上7:30至10:30 | 日期Date: 3/11(二); 時間time: 7:30pm |
13 | 檀那、布施概念、意義及意涵 The concepts of dāna and giving, and their meanings and significance 地點: N202 | |
14 | 布施: 《大般涅槃經》的布施概念 The concept of giving of the Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra 地點: N202 | |
15 | 佛教三學:戒定慧 The three disciplines on Buddhism: moral discipline, meditative concentration, and wisdom (the study of Buddhist doctrine) 地點: N202 | |
16 | 佛教戒學意義及意涵 The meaning and significance of moral discipline of Buddhism 地點: N202 | |
17 | 佛教戒、定與慧之間的關係 The relationship among moral discipline, meditative concentration of Buddhism 地點: N202 | |
18 | 期末反思 End-term reflection 地點: N202 | 繳交反思報告 |