1 | 編劇、導演與影視製作各個職責範圍的深入介紹 An in-depth introduction to the various areas of responsibility of screenwriting, directing and video production. | 影視職能---分工Video Functions - Division of Labor |
2 | 故事的結構:故事曲線重點講解/故事的三個組成:角色、情節、主旨 The structure of a story: the story line highlights the three components of a story: character, plot, and main idea. | 三幕劇重點Highlights of the three-act play |
3 | 劇本創作解析/戲劇的三大要素:衝突、焦點、變化 Scriptwriting Analysis/The Three Elements of Drama: Conflict, Focus, and Change | 故事曲線變化的關鍵The Key to Changing Story Curves |
4 | 故事大綱:大綱陳述、教授單場戲與分場觀念 Story Outline: Outlining, Teaching One-Scene and Split-Scene Concepts | 單場與分場概念Single-field and split-field concepts |
5 | 分場陳述與修改方向解析 Analysis of the direction of modifications and presentations 製片工作方法-場景、人員及預算講解 Production Methodology - Scene, Crew and Budget Presentation | 製片工作方法Methods of work in film production |
6 | 劇本執行與製片手冊製作解析 Script Execution and Production Manual Production Analysis | 製導演執行劇本Director executes the script |
7 | 演員選角與場勘概述Casting and Location Overview | 檢視劇本與演員、場景之間的對應關係/選角/拍攝場地Viewing the correspondence between the script and the cast and set/casting/location of the shoot |
8 | 各部門工作概述:攝影、燈光、美術、聲音分組 Overview of each department's work: Photography, Lighting, Art, and Sound Subgroups | 製作部門工作重點/選擇工作人員/美術指導/服裝與化妝Production Department Focus / Selection of Staff / Art Direction / Costume & Makeup |
9 | 期中考:繳交劇本與拍攝企畫書 Midterm Exam: Paying for Scripts and Shooting Projects | 期中報告Midterm Report |
10 | 分鏡腳本製作與討論 Split-scope Scripting and Discussion | 分鏡製作與讀本之重點/分鏡表Focus on Mirroring and Reading / Mirror Table |
11 | 詳細介紹勘景進度、選角結果、風格(攝影、美術)、拍攝大表及順場表Detailed introduction of the progress of location scouting, casting results, style (photography, art), shooting schedule and set list | 開始製作/規劃拍攝與順場之要點Beginning Production / Planning for Shooting and Staging |
12 | 分鏡會議,劇本定稿、通告單製作分組實作 Scenario meeting, script finalization, call sheet production and group practice | 製作會議與通告單製作重點Focus on Production Meetings and Circulars |
13 | 拍攝行前會議 Pre-shooting meeting | 拍攝前準備情形檢視Pre-shoot Preparation |
14 | 各組拍攝製作1:報告與檢討Shooting Production 1: Report and Review | 報告拍攝進度與問題Report on shooting progress and problems |
15 | 各組拍攝製作2 報告與檢討 Shooting Production 2: Report and Review | 報告拍攝進度與問題Report on shooting progress and problems |
16 | 期末考:學生影片作品檢討 Final exam: Review of student video works | |
17 | 成果發表Results Announcement | |
18 | 多元學習週-AI & SDGs訓練 Diverse-Learning- AI & SDGs Training | |