1 | 課程介紹與創意產業概論 | Course Introduction and Creative Industry Overview
課程內容與評分標準說明 | Course Content and Evaluation Criteria 創意產業的定義與範疇 | Definition and Scope of Creative Industries SDGs永續發展目標框架介紹 | Introduction to SDGs Framework 分組與期末報告主題說明 | Group Formation and Final Project Topics | |
2 | 全球創意產業發展趨勢 | Global Creative Industry Development Trends
後疫情時代產業變革 | Post-pandemic Industrial Transformation 東亞創意產業發展比較 | Comparative Study of East Asian Creative Industries 台灣創意產業政策與發展 | Taiwan's Creative Industry Policy and Development 作業:選定感興趣的創意產業領域 | Assignment: Select an Interested Creative Industry Field | |
3 | 永續創新與產業轉型 | Sustainable Innovation and Industry Transformation
SDGs與創意產業的連結 | Connection between SDGs and Creative Industries 永續設計思維 | Sustainable Design Thinking 企業永續轉型案例分析 | Case Analysis of Corporate Sustainable Transformation 小組討論:永續創新機會探索 | Group Discussion: Exploring Sustainable Innovation Opportunities | |
4 | 風土產業與在地創新 | Local Industry and Regional Innovation
地方創生與風土產業 | Regional Revitalization and Local Industries 文化創意產業生態系統 | Cultural and Creative Industry Ecosystem 在地知識與創新應用 | Local Knowledge and Innovative Applications 實作:在地產業調查方法 | Practice: Local Industry Research Methods | |
5 | 新創品牌研究方法 | Research Methods for Startup Brands
新創企業研究框架 | Research Framework for Startups 品牌定位與價值主張 | Brand Positioning and Value Proposition 創新商業模式分析 | Innovative Business Model Analysis 作業:選定研究個案 | Assignment: Select Research Cases | |
6 | 群眾募資與永續產品 | Crowdfunding and Sustainable Products
群眾募資平台分析 | Analysis of Crowdfunding Platforms 嘖嘖平台永續產品特質研究 | Research on Sustainable Product Features on ZecZec 成功募資案例解析 | Analysis of Successful Fundraising Cases 小組報告:永續產品分析 | Group Report: Sustainable Product Analysis | |
7 | 企業轉型策略 | Corporate Transformation Strategy
傳統企業轉型個案 | Traditional Enterprise Transformation Cases 創新轉型關鍵要素 | Key Elements of Innovative Transformation 轉型挑戰與解決方案 | Transformation Challenges and Solutions 討論:轉型策略比較 | Discussion: Comparison of Transformation Strategies | |
8 | 期中報告 | Midterm Presentation
小組研究進度報告 | Group Research Progress Report 永續創新提案發表 | Sustainable Innovation Proposal Presentation 同儕回饋與討論 | Peer Feedback and Discussion 教師建議與指導 | Teacher's Suggestions and Guidance | |
9 | 蘭陽博物館永續設計研究 | Sustainable Design Study of Lanyang Museum
蘭陽博物館建築永續特色分析 | Analysis of Sustainable Architectural Features 展示設計與環境教育 | Exhibition Design and Environmental Education 永續觀光與文化保存 | Sustainable Tourism and Cultural Preservation 小組討論:博物館永續發展策略 | Group Discussion: Museum Sustainability Strategies | |
10 | 永續博物館實務探討 | Sustainable Museum Practices
永續展示設計原則 | Principles of Sustainable Exhibition Design 能源管理與碳足跡 | Energy Management and Carbon Footprint 永續教育推廣計畫 | Sustainable Education Programs 作業:永續博物館提案 | Assignment: Sustainable Museum Proposal | |
11 | 博物館創新服務設計 | Museum Innovation Service Design
數位科技應用 | Digital Technology Applications 觀眾體驗設計 | Visitor Experience Design 在地連結策略 | Local Connection Strategies 小組報告:創新服務方案 | Group Report: Innovation Service Solutions | |
12 | 礁溪鄉特色產品設計 | Jiaoxi Township Product Design
礁溪在地資源盤點 | Local Resource Inventory of Jiaoxi 溫泉產業創新設計 | Hot Spring Industry Innovation Design 農特產品包裝設計 | Agricultural Product Packaging Design 實作:在地特色商品開發 | Practice: Local Product Development | |
13 | 永續產品設計實務 | Sustainable Product Design Practice
永續材料運用 | Sustainable Material Applications 循環設計思維 | Circular Design Thinking 產品生命週期評估 | Product Lifecycle Assessment 作業:永續產品提案 | Assignment: Sustainable Product Proposal | |
14 | AI設計工具與設計表板 | AI Design Tools and Design Dashboard
AI設計工具介紹與應用 | Introduction to AI Design Tools 設計表板系統建置 | Design Dashboard System Setup 數據視覺化設計 | Data Visualization Design 實作:AI輔助設計專案 | Practice: AI-Assisted Design Project | |
15 | 創意產業發展願景 | Creative Industry Development Vision
未來趨勢預測 | Future Trend Prediction 創新機會識別 | Innovation Opportunity Identification 永續發展路徑規劃 | Sustainable Development Pathway Planning 小組討論:願景工作坊 | Group Discussion: Vision Workshop | |
16 | 期末發表 | Final Presentation
研究成果展示 | Research Results Exhibition 創新提案發表 | Innovation Proposal Presentation 專家回饋與建議 | Expert Feedback and Suggestions 課程總結與展望 | Course Summary and Prospects | |
17 | 展覽籌備週 | Exhibition Preparation Week
展場空間規劃 | Exhibition Space Planning 作品佈置規劃 | Artwork Installation Planning 展覽視覺設計 | Exhibition Visual Design 宣傳材料製作 | Promotional Materials Production | |
18 | 期末總展 | Final Exhibition
展覽開幕典禮 | Exhibition Opening Ceremony 作品導覽與解說 | Artwork Tours and Explanations 設計師現場交流 | Designer On-site Interactions 參觀者回饋收集 | Visitor Feedback Collection 展覽成果紀錄 | Exhibition Documentation | |