1 | 課程目標說明 Course objectives 課程要求說明 Course Requirements | 課程簡介 Course Description |
2 | 非營利組織的定義 Definition of non-profit organization 非營利組織的類型 Types of nonprofit organizations | |
3 | 非營利組織的理論基礎 Theoretical foundations of nonprofit organizations 非營利組織的角色功能 The role of nonprofit organizations 非營利組織與非政府組織之異同 The similarities and differences between non-profit organizations and non-governmental organizations | |
4 | 分析非營利組織的CORPS模式 The CORPS model of non-profit organizations CORPS模式的基本運作程序 Basic operating procedures of CORPS model CORPS的決策核心 CORPS's decision-making core | |
5 | 非營利組織的使命及其意義 The mission and significance of non-profit organizations 非營利組織的策略及其應用 Strategies and Applications of Nonprofit Organizations | |
6 | 團隊建立的理論 Theory of team building 團隊的種類 Types of Teams 團隊建立的發展階段 Developmental Stages of Team Building | |
7 | 團隊領導群的建立與運作 Establishment and operation of team leadership group 非營利組織的機構關係 Institutional Relations for Nonprofit Organizations 非營利組織的附屬機構 Affiliates of nonprofit organizations 非營利組織的合併、及其與政府和國際組織的關係 Mergers of non-profit organizations and their relationships with governments and international organizations | |
8 | 校外參訪與心得報告 Off-campus visits and reports | |
9 | 服務項目廣度與特色Service breadth and features服務內涵的階段性The phases of service content服務內涵的創新與多元化Innovation and diversification of service content | |
10 | 尋找真正需要的對象 Find what you really need 環境變化對服務對象之影響 Impact of environmental changes on service recipients 市場區隔與目標市場 Market segmentation and target market | |
11 | 人力資源管理概論 Introduction to Human Resource Management 職工管理策略 Employee Management Strategy 志工管理策略 volunteers Management Strategy | |
12 | 專職人員與志工的分工與衝突Division of labor and conflicts management between full-time staff and volunteers領導者甄選策略Leadership Selection Strategies | |
13 | 非營利組織的財務問題 Financial issues for nonprofit organizations 非營利組織的財務管理 Financial Management of Nonprofit Organizations 特殊的財務規劃方式-基金管理與公益創投 Special financial planning methods - fund management and venture philanthropy | |
14 | 非營利組織的募款理論 Fundraising Theory for Nonprofit Organizations 募款的發展歷程與方法 The development and methods of fundraising 當代NPO的募款策略 Fundraising Strategies of Contemporary NPOs | |
15 | 行銷的基本概念 Basic Concepts of Marketing 產品策略 Product Strategy 價格策略 Pricing strategy | |
16 | 校外參訪與心得報告 Off-campus visits and reports | |
17 | 多元學習週AI及SDGs 訓練/ Diverse Learning Week AI and SDGs Training | |
18 | 多元學習週AI及SDGs 訓練/ Diverse Learning Week AI and SDGs Training | |